Milo’s Road to Ringing The Golden Bell

Children are the ultimate warriors, with the younger ones being a true testament to the unwavering hope and joy of an innocent mind—unafraid of the darkness in the world because they are simply unaware of it. Milo Ramirez is a two-year-old who is exemplary of the open mind and fearless heart of a child, even in the midst of one of life’s biggest battles: cancer. God gives His hardest battles to His toughest soldiers though, and Milo is definitely one of the strongest two-year-olds we’ve met. His journey begins when he was diagnosed with kidney and renal pelvis cancer, a devastating blow to the family, but a battle Milo faces with an unwavering spirit.


Milo’s family consists of himself, his older brother Mason, his older sister Mariah, his Mom Marissa, and their dog Zion. You will rarely find this family acting as separate individuals. Marissa explained that with everything they do, they do as a group, drawing strength from their unity and the love that flourishes when they are together. It is also rare to find this family indoors for very long. As a family of 4 with a pet, getting restless under one roof is inevitable. Marrissa expressed that even if it just means stopping at the gas station to grab a slushie or going to a local park to explore new trails and ponds, the unit can almost always be found on the go. Marissa went on to say “We like to play in the back yard or the garage and driveway with our plenty of toys like monster trucks, bikes, and basketball hoops.”


Over the past several months, Compass to Care has been able to sponsor 29 trips to the hospital, ensuring they would never miss one of Milo’s appointments. One thing the family has found helpful on appointment days is preparing everything the night before. This includes filling the gas tank, ensuring everyone eats a good meal, and making sure Milo gets at least 12 hours of sleep. Marissa explained that she also always makes sure bags are packed with adequate snacks and toys to keep all the children comfortable and entertained during the drives and long hospital visits.


On the last Tuesday at Lurie Children’s Hospital, a special moment marked a significant milestone in Milo and his family’s journey. As he stood on a small platform in the hospital lobby, Milo reached up to grasp the rope attached to the golden bell. With a triumphant ring that echoed through the hallways, he announced to the world that he had completed his treatment! While there are still a few appointments on the horizon to run tests and ensure everything looks good in his recovery, Milo is on the victorious road to completely beating his diagnosis. And he’s done all of it with a smile.


The family confers that the best thing about Milo is his personality—he is always enthusiastic, braver, and wiser than many other children his age. Milo’s story is one of strength, resilience,and the incredible power of a child’s spirit. He may just be two years old, but he’s already shown that with love, an amazing support system, and determination, even the smallest fighters can achieve great victories.


As Milo’s journey continues, everyone who knows him is ultimately filled with gratitude and knows his path is leading toward his brightest days ahead! Marissa is adamant that no one fights harder than a parent who loves their baby. She wants others in a similar situation to know they are not alone.

Child profile written by: volunteer, Meelah Harkness