Dina Doll

Our Dina Doll

The Dina Doll is named in honor of our founder’s sister, Dina Ernsdorff-Bright.  She was a constant travel companion when Michelle traveled to and from the Mayo Clinic for medical care.  Michelle created the Dina Doll to honor her sister for always being by her side and so children who are braving cancer could have a special Dina friend too.


You can buy a Dina Doll for $10 and we will also donate one to a child with cancer! Plus, 100% of your purchase will be used to help children with cancer travel to treatment.

The Dina Doll Inspiration

Buy a Dina Doll

When you hit Buy a Dina Doll Now you will be taken to PayPal. If you want to pay with a credit card, select DON’T HAVE A PAYPAL ACCOUNT and you will be given the credit card option.

Dina, Michelle & The Dina Doll